Download free legend of zelda rhythm game
Download free legend of zelda rhythm game

Even here, most of the products were wrapped in plastic, from the lettuce to the tofu.“Mama, what are we going to do about cheese?” my little one finally stammered. We persevered that week, if a bit hungrily and with a cheddar craving. (I’d been reporting about plastic for a while – watch for a cover story coming up, or this graphic explainer.)The girls were in.We collected our reusable shopping bags and jars, and drove (I know, I know) to the local food co-op. And while I tell myself that one day these contests may evolve into pro-social habits, mostly I like them because they seem to work, my girls are happy, and I scratch one or two things off the never-ending to-do list. So when I read climate scientist Peter Kalmus’ 2017 book, “Being the Change: Live Well and Spark a Climate Revolution,” I was intrigued. Among many other things, his book proposes personal behavior shifts – using only cash, eschewing industrial beverages, avoiding all packaging – often beginning as a week- or monthlong personal challenge. Over breakfast, I outlined our mission: For a week, I said, we were going to shop without buying any plastic. I have set up contests for making beds and tending the litter box, running soccer drills and practicing instruments.

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The week began, as do all good weeks with my children, with an official challenge. A family’s competitive streak, after all, can be magically exploited for parental gain.

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